A Dream Analysis… Kinda

I promised a fried that I would analyze my dreams that I remember because I unwittingly told her to do the same. So here’s my second dream that I remember. Analysis will come after.

I was in a very big auditorium, I think at some college, or at least somewhere very prestigious. And the function must have been important. Because the auditorium was packed. It looked like the center of an Olympic stadium and it was filled to capacity. Maybe it was some sort of exhibition or gala, cause I was supposed to perform with a few other people that I don’t remember, except two. I remember Thomas Tran and Jackie Boone having to perform with me and whenever either of us did something embarrassing on stage, we’d cover the other. There were a few times where I wasn’t in the auditorium, either for a intermission, or before the show, but I’d be riding on the back of a bike with my friend Gordon popping wheelies on the street. It looked looked a run down section of Gueneville with train tracks at the end. And every so often, I’d be down by the tracks, and have a close encounter with a truck or train coming down.

But anyway, back it in the auditorium, we did a total of three performances, the first two I don’t remember, but the last one involved a bus and us painting it. There was no stage fright, no inhibitions, I just went up and improved and had fun and tried to get a laugh out of the audience. I threw my prop cause I knew I did terribly after it was done and the director scolded me for it. Then he asked all the performers to sit in the bleachers on stage and me, Thomas, and Jackie sat in the top of them, over looking the audience who had curiously become emoticons. I saw one of my middle school classmate’s younger sister, and we had a brief conversation. The only thing I remember from that conversation was she was going to Riordan High School in the fall. Then a Filipino guy walked in. This guy was terrible at jokes, and would always produce awkward silences. He was showing off a piece of art to be put up around the place I was, and he continued to make the most awkward silence he had yet. While he was going on about the piece and before he made the silence, Jackie told me that her mom and her were going to move out of the state because Jackie had cancer. I remember turning back to the presentation and when the awkwardness was palpable I made the drum sound effect, the entire audience turned into various shades of the same emoticon, and the silence was broken. I grinned and laughed. But then the gum that I was chewing that I did not know I had went down my thoat and woke me up.

So for the analysis then. Just a note to say if there are symbols that I don’t explicitly explain, it means I was unable to find what the meant.

A bicycle means trying to find balance between work and play. A pick-up truck represents hard work or the need to go back to basics. Train tracks indicate either a diligent working towards my goals or that I need to get off the beaten path once in a while. The train itself represents conformity, a passenger train (which is what I saw) specifically means mental work. It also has the other possible meaning of being “in training”.

Painting is need to let go of creativity or covering something up. It was yellow paint which supposedly means joy, happiness, and energy. When someone else has cancer, it means I need to start thinking positively before I start a cancer in myself. To chew gum means I am unable to express myself effectively. Most of the other motifs in this dream were disappointingly elusive.

I can’t even begin to wrap my head around what all this means, so I’ll save it for another time.

All these interpretations were found here: http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/.

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